
The National Breast Screening Programme is a population screening programme for well women and it is not aimed at women who already have symptoms. If you have a breast symptom or are concerned about your breasts, you should contact your GP practice without delay. He or she will decide whether you need any tests or investigations.

A mammogram will pick up most, but not all, breast problems and is one of a range of tests that may be required for women with breast symptoms.

Changes to look for:

  • A change in size or shape
  • A lump or thickening
  • Puckering or skin dimpling
  • Nipple becoming drawn or changing direction
  • Bleeding or discharge from the nipple
  • Rash on or around the nipple
  • Sudden roughness of the skin
  • Swelling under the armpit or around the collar bone
  • Constant pain in one part of your breast or in your armpit

If you would like more information about breast symptoms you may find it helpful to visit the website